Study of Haplogroup
I-Y2245.2 / I-PR683
At the moment (16 June 2019), on the basis of various public projects, I have managed to gather 331 people meeting the criteria of this study, 72% of whom are included in the cartographic distribution study of the I-Y2245.2 / I-PR683 Haplogroup, as 91 people did not provide either a GPS location or a mention of the ancestor's origin.
Persons included in the study come from projects:,,,;
SNP position may differ from that assigned by FTDNA, because many people perform cheaper SNP tests, e.g. w ySEQ, and send the project manager with update SNP positions. For the purpose of my study, I adopted the following rule. I have assigned the deepest known SNP position to a given person, taking into account data from projects and FTDNA.
Since the haplogroup I-Y2245.2 / I-PR683, so far absent from genetically examined archaeological sites, and the number of contemporary samples is still small and difficult to as representative, as well as the quality (the depth of verified SNP is predominantly shallow), it is difficult to conclude anything unequivocally about the cradles of particular branches and directions of migration. At this point in time it seems to me that it is more important to pay attention to where this haplogroup is absent, especially in general as it can be said that it covers the whole of Europe, without certain regions.
Phylogenetic tree of Haplogroup I-Y2245.2
(based on data from FTDNA and ISOGG and yFull and of June 2019)(01) [67 of 96] ╠╦════════❴3900❵ Y2245.2/PR683
(02) [2 of 2] ║╠════════❴....❵ BY86675
(03) [2 of 3] ║╠═════╦══❴1800❵ Y7234/BY1933
(04) [2 of 4] ║║.....╚╦═❴1800❵ Y7666/FGC14489
(05) [2 of 3] ║║......╚╦❴ 150❵ Y8463/Y8473
(06) [1 of 1] ║║.......╚❴ 150❵ FGC14477
(07) [5 of 7] ║╠╦═══════❴3900❵ Y3968/S10360
(08) [1 of 1] ║║╠═══════❴....❵ BY49470
(09) [6 of 8] ║║╠═════╦═❴3700❵ L1242
(10) [3 of 3] ║║║.....╠═❴....❵ L1243
(11) [0 of 0] ║║║.....╚╦❴3000❵ Y90639
(12) [2 of 2] ║║║......╚❴....❵ Y104500
(13) [2 of 2] ║║╚╦══════❴3800❵ Y3979/S15301
(14) [1 of 1] ║║.╠═════╦❴2100❵ Y3969/BY3388
(15) [1 of 1] ║║.║.....╠❴ 550❵ BY15934
(16) [0 of 0] ║║.║.....╠❴ 375❵ Y14344
(17) [2 of 2] ║║.║.....╚❴....❵ BY3389
(18) [0 of 0] ║║.╚╦═════❴3200❵ Y6228
(19) [2 of 2] ║║..╠═══╦═❴3200❵ S11991
(20) [2 of 3] ║║..║...╠═❴3000❵ Y42065
(21) [1 of 1] ║║..║...╠═❴....❵ BY23472
(22) [1 of 1] ║║..║...╚╦❴....❵ S10420
(23) [1 of 1] ║║..║....╚❴....❵ BY69199
(24) [1 of 1] ║║..╚╦════❴2500❵ Y6229
(25) [0 of 0] ║║...╠════❴ 950❵ Y31135
(26) [2 of 2] ║║...╠════❴....❵ BY46736
(27) [21 of 28] ║║...╚╦═══❴2500❵ Y7626/BY316
(28) [1 of 1] ║║....╠═══❴....❵ A8243
(29) [5 of 6] ║║....╠═╦═❴2400❵ Y7627/PH3482
(30) [1 of 1] ║║....║.╚╦❴....❵ BY34510
(31) [2 of 2] ║║....║..╚❴2100❵ Y33779
(32) [0 of 0] ║║....╚╦══❴2500❵ Y37939
(33) [1 of 1] ║║.....╠╦═❴2400❵ A16216
(34) [1 of 1] ║║.....║╚╦❴2400❵ BY34506
(35) [2 of 2] ║║.....║.╚❴1750❵ A16212
(36) [0 of 0] ║║.....╚╦═❴ 800❵ Y109143/Y84131
(37) [4 of 4] ║║......╚╦❴ 700❵ Y89083
(38) [3 of 3] ║║.......╚❴ 375❵ Y104808
(39) [18 of 21] ║╚═╦══════❴2700❵ L1237
(40) [5 of 5] ║..╠══════❴1850❵ Y43820/Y43512
(41) [2 of 2] ║..╠══════❴....❵ Y99000
(42) [1 of 1] ║..╠════╦═❴2700❵ BY180884
(43) [2 of 2] ║..║....╠═❴ 150❵ BY208945
(44) [1 of 1] ║..║....╚╦❴2700❵ BY583
(45) [1 of 1] ║..║.....╚❴....❵ Y62653
(46) [4 of 4] ║..╚╦═════❴2700❵ Y6634/FGC9550
(47) [0 of 0] ║...╚═╦═══❴....❵ FGC9549
(48) [3 of 3] ║.....╠═══❴ 50❵ Y33063
(49) [1 of 2] ║.....╠═╦═❴1950❵ A11537
(50) [6 of 20] ║.....║.╚╦❴....❵ BY19318
(51) [2 of 2] ║.....║..╠❴....❵ S14941
(52) [3 of 3] ║.....║..╚❴....❵ BY116923
(53) [4 of 4] ║.....╠╦══❴2400❵ BY3386/BY3385
(54) [0 of 1] ║.....║╠═╦❴1750❵ PF1188/Y24002
(55) [10 of 17] ║.....║║.╚❴ 300❵ Y23686
(56) [0 of 0] ║.....║╠═╦❴....❵ BY40076
(57) [1 of 1] ║.....║║.╚❴....❵ BY47502
(58) [1 of 1] ║.....║╚╦═❴ 950❵ Y23119
(59) [2 of 2] ║.....║.╚╦❴ 375❵ Y23122
(60) [0 of 0] ║.....║..╚❴....❵ BY37509
(61) [6 of 8] ║.....╚╦══❴ 850❵ Y6615/BY2489
(62) [0 of 2] ║......╠══❴....❵ FGC7026
(63) [7 of 15] ║......╚╦═❴ 550❵ Y6612/Y6628
(64) [2 of 3] ║.......╠═❴ 425❵ Y12705
(65) [4 of 4] ║.......╠═❴ 375❵ Y29662/BY14225
(66) [0 of 1] ║.......╠═❴ 300❵ Y16260
(67) [0 of 2] ║.......╠═❴ 275❵ Y16531
(68) [0 of 1] ║.......╠═❴....❵ BY34528
(69) [0 of 0] ║.......╠╦❴ 500❵ Y16811/Y16967
(70) [3 of 3] ║.......║╚❴ 225❵ Y18322
(71) [0 of 0] ║.......╚╦❴ 350❵ Y6624/FGC9535
(72) [0 of 1] ║........╠❴ 150❵ Y6622/Y6635
(73) [1 of 2] ║........╚❴ 350❵ Y14194