📓 Pakiet Danych (~150€/rok)
Wykaz zawartości z dnia 26 III 2019
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Spis treści niniejszej strony (zawartość katalogu "pakiet danych MyHeritage" stan na 26 III 2019)
Powszechny Spis Ludności USA 1940 134 437 315 rekordów
1930 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 125 150 767 rekordów
1920 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 107 445 111 rekordów
1910 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 92 639 466 rekordów
1900 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 76 460 854 rekordów
1880 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 50 473 326 rekordów
1870 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 40 383 628 rekordów
1860 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 27 120 063 rekordów
1850 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 20 571 627 rekordów
Federalny spis powszechny USA 1850 r. (wykaz niewolników) 3 178 264 rekordów
1840 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 2 566 557 rekordów
Floryda, Spis stanowy, 1945 2 245 770 rekordów
Minnesota, Spis stanowy, 1905 1 973 884 rekordów
1830 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 1 824 364 rekordów
Floryda, Spis stanowy, 1935 1 598 033 rekordów
Minnesota, Spis stanowy, 1895 1 567 949 rekordów
Iowa, Spis stanowy, 1905 1 445 398 rekordów
1820 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 1 225 504 rekordów
Minnesota, Spis stanowy, 1885 1 124 812 rekordów
1810 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 825 999 rekordów
Południowa Dakota, Spis stanowy, 1935 670 613 rekordów
Południowa Dakota, Spis stanowy, 1925 664 563 rekordów
Minnesota, Spis stanowy, 1875 612 847 rekordów
Południowa Dakota, Spis stanowy, 1915 576 017 rekordów
Południowa Dakota, Spis stanowy, 1945 565 508 rekordów
1800 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 540 435 rekordów
Południowa Dakota, Spis stanowy, 1905 439 676 rekordów
1790 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 406 419 rekordów
Floryda, Spis stanowy, 1885 308 140 rekordów
Minnesota, Spis stanowy, 1865 246 591 rekordów
Alabama, Spis stanowy, 1866 243 781 rekordów
Federalny spis powszechny USA 1850 r. (wykaz zgonów) 241 424 rekordów
Kolorado, Spis stanowy, 1885 234 343 rekordów
Kalifornia, Spis stanowy, 1852 188 578 rekordów
Minnesota, Terytorialny Spis Powszechny, 1857 150 685 rekordów
USA, Spis marynarzy floty handlowej, 1930 62 527 rekordów
Alabama, Spis stanowy, 1885 34 978 rekordów
1890 Federalny Spis Ludności Stanów Zjednoczonych 6 304 rekordów
Census of the State of Michigan, 1884 1 346 rekordów
Census of the State of Michigan, 1904, Volume 1 926 rekordów
Census of Iowa For the Year 1895 (1896) 924 rekordów
Posey County, Indiana, Census of 1850 923 rekordów
Hamilton County, Illinois Census of 1930 905 rekordów
Census of Iowa For the Year 1895, Part 2 (1896) 890 rekordów
7th Census of United States, Wayne County, Indiana, 1850 (1900) 802 rekordów
Chicago Census Report, Volume 1, 1870 800 rekordów
Webster County, Kentucky Census 1920 742 rekordów
Trigg County 1880 Families 734 rekordów
Census of the State of Michigan, 1904, Volume 3 698 rekordów
Johnson County, Indiana 1880 Census: As Filed With the County Auditor
660 rekordów
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year
1790: North Carolina 600 rekordów
Calloway County, Kentucky Census of 1930 574 rekordów
Report On the Census of Porto Rico, 1899 548 rekordów
Stewart County, Tennessee, 1860 Census 526 rekordów
1850 Federal Census for Aroostook County 525 rekordów
The Craven District Household Almanac 1928 and 1932 437 rekordów
Graves County, Kentucky Census of 1850 418 rekordów
Marshall County, Kentucky Census 1870 333 rekordów
Free Black Heads of Households in the New York State Federal Census, 1790 -
Enumeration of the Inhabitants of Scotland, Taken From the Government
Abstracts of 1801, 1821 324 rekordów
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year
1910 Martin County Census, Martin County, Indiana 304 rekordów
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year
Census Returns of Lewis County, West Virginia, For 1850 290 rekordów
Fulton County, Kentucky Census of 1850 271 rekordów
1770 - 1790 Census of the Cumberland Settlements: Davidson, Sumner, and
Register of Voters For the Northern Division of the County of Durham, 1868-
1869, And Poll Taken 24 November, 1868 258 rekordów
1860 Census of Lee County Virginia, Volume 1 251 rekordów
Enumeration of White & Colored Males, Henry County, Indiana, 1919 242 rekordów
Russell County, Virginia, U.S. Census, 1850 236 rekordów
Vermont: Heads of Families at the Second Census of the United States Taken in
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year
Ballard County, Kentucky Census of 1880 226 rekordów
The 1864 Census of the Territory of Arizona 226 rekordów
The Jackson Purchase (of Kentucky), Census of 1830 224 rekordów
Louisiana Census Records, Volume 2, Iberville, Natchitoches, Pointe Coupee,
Smith County, Tennessee, Census of 1830 219 rekordów
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year
McCracken County, Kentucky Census of 1850 214 rekordów
Heads of Families at the First Census Taken in the Year 1790: Vermont (1907) 204 rekordów
Lyon County, Kentucky Census of 1900 203 rekordów
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year
1790: Virginia: Records of the State Enumerations: 1782 to 1785
The Census Tables for the French Colony of Louisiana, 1699 - 1732
Eastern Cherokee Census, Cherokee, North Carolina, 1923 - 1929, Taken by
1870 Census Index of Jackson Twp., Clinton Co., Indiana (1900) 176 rekordów
Index to the United States Census of Georgia for 1820, Second Edition
Graves County, Kentucky School Census of 1899 169 rekordów
Eastern Cherokee Census, Cherokee, North Carolina, 1915 ? 1922
The Children's Aid Society of New York: An Index to the Federal, State, and
Spis powszechny Wielkiej Brytanii i Walii z 1911 36 329 792 rekordów
1939 Register of England & Wales 33 094 778 rekordów
Spis powszechny Anglii i Walii 1901 32 647 459 rekordów
Spis ludności Anglii i Walii 1891 28 683 830 rekordów
Spis ludności Anglii i Walii 1881 26 118 774 rekordów
Spis powszechny Anglii i Walii 1871 22 818 910 rekordów
Spis ludności Anglii i Walii 1861 19 658 749 rekordów
Spis Powszechny Anglii i Walii 1851 17 666 797 rekordów
Spis powszechny Anglii i Walii 1841 15 791 794 rekordów
Anglia, Norfolk, Spis wyborców, 1844 - 1952 4 557 906 rekordów
Spis Powszechny w Irlandii, 1901 4 424 125 rekordów
Spis Powszechny w Irlandii, 1911 4 370 252 rekordów
Wyciąg ze Spisu powszechnego Szkocji 1851 224 148 rekordów
Wyciąg ze Spisu powszechnego Szkocji 1861 115 520 rekordów
Wyciąg ze Spisu powszechnego Szkocji 1841 111 328 rekordów
Księgi gospodarstw domowych w Szwecji, 1860-1947 104 449 108 rekordów
Księgi parafialne Kościoła Finlandii oraz spisy dzieci, 1657-1915 33 342 964 rekordów
1940 Denmark Census 3 950 454 rekordów
Spis Powszechny Danii 1930 3 641 418 rekordów
Spis Powszechny Danii 1925 3 627 894 rekordów
Spis Powszechny Danii 1921 3 356 937 rekordów
Spis ludności Danii z 1916 r. 2 964 499 rekordów
Spis Powszechny Danii 1911 2 792 789 rekordów
Spis ludności Danii 1906 r. 2 628 000 rekordów
Spis Powszechny Danii 1901 2 483 570 rekordów
1900 Norway CensusNOWOŚĆ 2 313 871 rekordów
1910 Norway CensusNOWOŚĆ 2 474 627 rekordów
Spis Powszechny Danii 1890 2 188 521 rekordów
1891 Norway CensusNOWOŚĆ 2 064 661 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1880 2 028 776 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1860 1 983 127 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1855 1 803 677 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1870 1 795 987 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1845 1 694 583 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1840 1 607 703 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1850 1 407 828 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1834 1 115 260 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1787 841 681 rekordów
Spis powszechny Danii, 1801 943 680 rekordów
Norwegia, Spis ludności, 1875 293 384 rekordów
1835 Denmark Census (Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein) 291 798 rekordów
1921 Canada Census 8 683 491 rekordów
1911 Canada Census 7 157 334 rekordów
1906 Canada Census of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba 805 908 rekordów
1916 Canada Census of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba 1 590 785 rekordów
Spis ludności Kanady 1901 r. 5 213 095 rekordów
Spis ludności Kanady 1891 r. 4 539 588 rekordów
Spis powszechny Kanady, 1881 4 273 931 rekordów
Spis powszechny Kanady, 1871 3 292 788 rekordów
Spis powszechny Kanady, 1861 2 764 253 rekordów
Spis powszechny Kanady, 1851 1 364 567 rekordów
Kanada, Spis ludności Dolnej Kanady, 1825 74 323 rekordów
Kanada, Spis ludności Dolnej Kanady, 1842 46 467 rekordów
Queensland, Australia, Listy wyborców 1959 783 078 rekordów
Queensland, Australia, Listy wyborców 1949 738 850 rekordów
Queensland, Australia, Listy wyborców 1941 603 730 rekordów
Queensland, Australia, Listy wyborców 1934 569 938 rekordów
Queensland, Australia, Listy wyborców 1922 418 909 rekordów
Queensland, Australia, Listy wyborców 1913 361 924 rekordów
Queensland, Australia, Listy wyborców 1906 273 011 rekordów
Queensland, Australia, Listy wyborców 1903 227 115 rekordów
Tasmania, Australia, Electoral Rolls 1916 135 451 rekordów
Queensland State Electoral Roll 1915 14 708 rekordów
Queensland State Electoral Roll 1910 5 992 rekordów
Queensland State Electoral Roll 1905 3 451 rekordów
Queensland State Electoral Roll 1900 3 280 rekordów
Queensland State Electoral Roll 1895 2 452 rekordów
Bendigo Electoral Roll 1922 715 rekordów
Listy głosujących w Wenezueli, 2006 - 2007 17 385 377 rekordów
Netherlands, Population Registers, 1810-1936 16 174 108 rekordów
Argentyna, Spis Powszechny, 1895 3 888 936 rekordów
Kostaryka, Listy wyborców, 2011 - 2014 3 216 555 rekordów
Argentyna, Spis Powszechny, 1869 1 762 093 rekordów
Holandia, Spisy Ludności Tilburga, 1800-1923 1 360 385 rekordów
Niemcy, Spis ludności Meklemburgii-Schwerin, 1900 1 249 368 rekordów
Spis ludności dotyczący mniejszości narodowych w Niemczech, rok 1939 410 919 rekordów
Archiwa lejdejskie, Holandia. Holandia, Archiwa lejdejskie, 1800 - 1923 256 686 rekordów
Niemcy, Spis ludności Meklemburgii-Schwerin, 1867 218 915 rekordów
Argentyna, Stołeczny spis powszechny, 1855 132 590 rekordów
Niemcy, Spis ludności Meklemburgii-Schwerin, 1890 123 784 rekordów
Litewskie Paszporty Wewnętrzne, 1919-1940 112 189 rekordów
Spis Powszechny Miasta Dublin, Irlandia 58 993 rekordów
Rejestry wyborców Irlandii, 1832 - 1838 52 630 rekordów
Płatnicy dziesięciny w Irlandii, 1831 29 067 rekordów
Niemcy, Westfalia, Minden, Spisy Mieszkańców, 1574-1902 22 580 rekordów
Gwatemala, miasto Gwatemala, Spis ludności, 1877 21 144 rekordów
Spis powszechny miasta Dublin, Rotunda Ward, 1901 13 556 rekordów
Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 113 439 615 rekordów
Listy pasażerów i emigrantów, 1500 - 1900 5 122 219 rekordów
Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1891-1943NOWOŚĆ 4 815 663 rekordów
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Passenger Lists, 1883-1945 2 071 882 rekordów
Port of New York, Index to Discharged or Deserted Crew, 1917-1957 1 268 993 rekordów
Filadelfia, Pennsylwania, Listy pasażerskie, 1883 - 1948 1 153 200 rekordów
Porty atlantyckie i Zatoki Meksykańskiej, Listy pasażerskie, 1820 - 1870 1 023 457 rekordów
Boston, Massachusetts, Listy pasażerskie, 1820 - 1891 894 949 rekordów
Baltimore,Maryland, Listy pasażerskie, 1820 - 1897 779 885 rekordów
Philadelphia, Pennsylwania, Listy pasażerskie 1800 - 1882 489 486 rekordów
Listy Pasażerów Brytyjskich i Irlandzkich 1890 193 995 rekordów
Queensland, Australia Passenger and Crew Lists, 1852-1885 107 445 rekordów
Niemcy, Brema, Listy pasażerów wypływających, 1904-1914 44 312 rekordów
Migracja translatlantycka z Ameryki Północnej do Brytanii i Irlandii, 1858 -
42 695 rekordów
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild 10 935 rekordów
Akta Naturalizacyjne Stanów Zjednoczonych 4 000 326 rekordów
United States Passport Applications, 1795-1925NOWOŚĆ 1 894 809 rekordów
US Naturalization Record Index, Northern Illinois, 1840-1950 1 491 656 rekordów
US Naturalization Records, New England, 1791-1906 615 903 rekordów
US Naturalization Records, Northern California, 1852-1989 544 191 rekordów
Illinois, Northern District (Eastern Division), Naturalization Index, 1926-1979 548 734 rekordów
Ohio, Rejestry naturalizacji w hrabstwie, 1800-1977 385 282 rekordów
Mandatory Palestine Naturalization Applications, 1937-1947 206 731 rekordów
Minnesota, Naturalization Card Index, 1930-1988 71 365 rekordów
Zachodnia Wirginia, Rejestr Naturalizowanych, 1814-1991 61 585 rekordów
Brazylia, Rio de Janeiro, Karty Imigracyjne, 1900-1965 4 776 216 rekordów
Niemcy imigrujący do Stanów Zjednoczonych 4 068 907 rekordów
Włosi Imigrujący do Stanów Zjednoczonych 845 367 rekordów
Pasażerowie z Irlandii przybywający do Nowego Jorku 1846-1851 604 596 rekordów
Rosjanie imigrujący do Stanów Zjednoczonych 527 394 rekordów
Belgia, Antwerpia, Lista Policji Imigracyjnej, 1840-1930 343 859 rekordów
Indeks Wczesnych Pionierów z Queensland, 1824 - 1859 156 760 rekordów
Emigranci z Hamburga do Australii, 1850 - 1879 80 012 rekordów
Holandia, Rejestry emigracyjne Tilburga, 1914 - 1919 15 612 rekordów
Imigranci z Czeskiej Republiki do Ameryki 3 733 rekordów
Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals
Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals
Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler, The Immigrant of 1736 1 274 rekordów
The Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New
The Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New
Sketches of the First Emigrant Settlers in Newton Township, Old Gloucester
County, West New Jersey 868 rekordów
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance To the Province And
State of Pennsylvania, 1727-1775, With the Foreign Arrivals, 1786-1808 800 rekordów
The Winslow Papers, 1776 - 1826 750 rekordów
Denizations and Naturalizations in the British Colonies in America, 1607 -
The Irishman in Canada 712 rekordów
Genealogical Records of Henry And Ulalia Burt, the Emigrants Who Early
Settled at Springfield, Massachusetts,1640 - 1891 696 rekordów
The Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New
The Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New
Irish Emigration to New England, Through the Port of Saint John, New
Immigration of the Irish Quakers Into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750 572 rekordów
Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch,
French And Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 To 1776 550 rekordów
The Loyalists of America and their Times, 1620 - 1816, Volume 1 547 rekordów
The Loyalists of America and Their Times, 1620 - 1816, Volume 2 520 rekordów
Passengers Who Arrived in the United States September 1821 - December
Book of the Wilders: a Further Contribution To the History of the Wilders,
From 1497, in England, To the Immigration of Martha, a Widow, And Her
Family To Massachusetts Bay, in 1638 434 rekordów
History of Immigration To the United States, From September 30, 1819 To
December 31, 1855 434 rekordów
German Immigration Into Pennsylvania Through the Port of Philadelphia
From 1700 To 1775 430 rekordów
Emigrants From England, 1773-1776 422 rekordów
History of German Immigration in the United States 372 rekordów
Strangers at Our Gates: Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy, 1540 -
311 rekordów
Irish Emigration to New England Through the Port of Saint John New
German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York,
Colonists from Scotland: Emigration to North America, 1707 - 1783
Colonists from Scotland: Emigration to North America, 1707 - 1783
German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York,
A New Land Beckoned:German Immigration to Texas, 1844 - 1847
A New Land Beckoned: German Immigration to Texas, 1844 - 1847
German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York,
New Homes in a New Land: German Immigration to Texas, 1847 - 1861
German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York,
Third Generation , Richard Mcelfresh (1724-1808), Beginnings of Western
178 rekordów
Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth Century To the American Colonies,
Volume 1 172 rekordów
Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725 - 1775: The
A Compilation of the Original Lists Protestant Immigrants to South Carolina,
Passengers from Ireland, List of Passengers Arriving at American Ports
Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, 1740 - 1773
Migration to South Carolina: Movement from New England and Mid-Atlantic
Denizations, Naturalizations, and Oaths of Allegiance in Colonial New York
The German Emigration from New York Province into Pennsylvania
The German Emigration from New York Province into Pennsylvania
Emigrants to America: Indentured Servants Recruited in London, 1718 - 1733
Emigrants to America: Indentured Servants Recruited in London, 1718 - 1733
An Alphabetical Index to Ulster Emigration to Philadelphia, 1803 - 1850
A List of Alien Passengers Bonded from January 1, 1847, to January 1, 1851
Andrew Thompson, the Emigrant of Elsinborough, Salem County, New Jersey 100 rekordów
Transcripts of Three Registers of Passengers from Great Yarmouth to Holland
Ship Registries and Enrollments, Port of Marshfield, Oregon, 1873 - 1941 91 rekordów
Some Emigrants to Virginia: Memoranda in Regard to Several Hundred
Emigrants to Virginia During the Colonial Period 88 rekordów
Edward Hawes, the Emigrant 64 rekordów
Lists of Germans From the Palatinate who Came to England in 1709
Forteckning Over Emigranter Fran Ostergotland 21 rekordów
United States World War I Draft Registrations, 1917-1918 24 870 519 rekordów
Zwerbowani do Armii USA podczas II Wojny Światowej 7 993 006 rekordów
Żołnierze Wojny Secesyjnej USA, 1861 - 1865 6 271 153 rekordów
Akta służby żołnierzy Konfederacji 1 663 575 rekordów
Skróty z akt Sił Powietrznych 1 065 430 rekordów
Odznaczeni Brytyjską Srebrną Odznaką Wojenną (Silver War Badge), 1914 -
882 678 rekordów
Brytyjscy Żołnierze Polegli w I Wojnie Światowej 1914-1919 703 810 rekordów
Kanada, Żołnierze I Wojny Światowej, 1914-1918 622 628 rekordów
USA, Listy werbunkowe marynarki wojennej, 1855-1891 262 742 rekordów
Luizjana, Pierwszy Rejestr Poborowych, 1940-1945 252 165 rekordów
Luizjana, Drugi Rejestr Poborowych, opracowany 1948-1959 243 676 rekordów
Georgia, Rejestr Poborowych II W.Ś., 1940-1942 173 989 rekordów
Lista Zasłużonych Armii Brytyjskiej, 1939-1945 171 217 rekordów
Jeńcy Wojenni USA podczas II Wojny Światowej 1941 - 1946 143 376 rekordów
Akta Korpusy Rezerwy w II Wojnie Światowej 122 270 rekordów
Narodowa Lista Zasłużonych w I Wojnie Światowej 1914-1918 111 825 rekordów
Ofiary Wojny Koreańskiej, 1950 - 1957 109 974 rekordów
Brytyjscy jeńcy wojenni w niemieckich obozach, 1939 - 1945 104 840 rekordów
Indeks Świadectw Brytyjskiej Milicji, 1886 - 1910 86 081 rekordów
Weterani I WŚ z Tennessee 81 215 rekordów
Ofiary U.S. Army 1961 - 1981 68 999 rekordów
Arkansas, Drugi Rejestr Poborowych, 1948-1959 61 237 rekordów
Ofiary z Wietnamu, 1956 - 1998 58 193 rekordów
Polegli w Wojnie Burskiej, 1899 - 1902 54 932 rekordów
Irlandzki Rejestr Pamięci, 1914 - 1918 (Ireland's Memorial Records) 49 603 rekordów
Polegli z Brytyjskiej Królewskiej Piechoty Morskiej i Królewskiej Marynarki
Wojennej, 1914 - 1919 43 934 rekordów
Armie Imperium Brytyjskiego i inne siły lądowe - jeńcy wojenni, 1939 - 1945 39 810 rekordów
Odznaczeni Medalem Waterloo, 1815 36 855 rekordów
Akta wojskowe portalu DistantCousin Genealogy 36 017 rekordów
Lista Zasłużonych De Ruvigny'ego 1914-1924 26 768 rekordów
Odznaczeni Medalem za wyjątkowe zasługi (Distinguished Conduct Medal)
1914 - 1920 24 928 rekordów
Marynarka i Siły Powietrzne Imperium Brytyjskiego - Jeńcy Wojenni, 1939 -
19 232 rekordów
Lista partyzantów z Białorusi, 1941 - 1945 16 706 rekordów
Indeks Brytyjskich Świadectw Milicji, Royal Garrison Artillery 1872 - 1915 12 566 rekordów
Indeks Armii Brytyjskiej, 1787 9 516 rekordów
Brytyjscy oficerowie, jeńcy wojenni 1914 - 1918 8 319 rekordów
Vermont, Rejestr Wcielonych do Milicji, 1861-1867 4 309 rekordów
Brytyjscy oficerowie 2 544 rekordów
Odznaczeni Krzyżem Wiktorii, 1854 - 2006 1 348 rekordów
Dragoon Campaigns to the Rocky Mountains: Being a History of the
Enlistment, Organization, and First Campaigns of the Regiment of United
States Dragoons 300 rekordów
Akta emerytur z okresu Wojny o niepodległość Stanów Zjednoczonych 81 439 rekordów
Wnioski konfederatów Tennessee o emeryturę 38 393 rekordów
Military Laws of the United States, Relating To the Army, Volunteers, Militia,
And To Bounty Lands And Pensions 618 rekordów
A Census of Pensioners: for Revolutionary or Military Services, 1840
Rejected or Suspended Applications for Revolutionary War Pensions
Virginia Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 And Indian
Wars , Volume 29 372 rekordów
Virginia Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 And Indian
Wars, Volume 31 316 rekordów
Virginia Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 And Indian
Wars, Volume 32 290 rekordów
Virginia Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 And Indian
Wars, Volume 26 274 rekordów
Virginia Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 And Indian
Wars, Volume 2 266 rekordów
Major Index to Pension List of the War of 1812, Volume 1 219 rekordów
Major Index to Pension List of the War of 1812, Volume 4 217 rekordów
Major Index to Pension List of the War of 1812, Volume 2 214 rekordów
Major Index to Pension List of the War of 1812, Volume 5 177 rekordów
Major Index to Pension List of the War of 1812, Volume 6 163 rekordów
Kentucky Pension Roll for 1835: Report from the Secretary of War, in Relation
Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers Who Settled in Fayette County,
124 rekordów
Abstracts of Pension Papers, Revolutionary War and 1812 War Soldiers, Who
Settled in Hardin County, Kentucky 108 rekordów
Revolutionary Pensioners: Transcript of the Pension List of the United States
For 1813 58 rekordów
Revolutionary Pensioners: A Transcript of the Pension List of the United States
Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States, Volume 1 2 308 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1947, Volume 1 2 029 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and
Confederation Armies, Series 2, Volume 3 1 963 rekordów
Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861 - 1865, Volume 1 1 894 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1952, Volume 1 1 769 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1945 1 691 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 48, Part 1 1 687 rekordów
Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution: Battalions and Line, 1775 - 1783 1 684 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1951, Volume 1 1 656 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1944 1 654 rekordów
Register of Commissioned Officers, Cadets, Midshipmen, and Warrant Officers
of the United States Naval Reserve, January 1 1943 1 638 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 47, Part 2 1 596 rekordów
History of the Ninth Regiment New York State Militia -- National Guard State
of New York (Eighty-Third New York Volunteers), 1845 - 1888 1 558 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, December 31 1970 1 557 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1922 1 555 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 42, Part 3 1 547 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1968 1 530 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 33 1 523 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1921 1 513 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 46, Part 2 1 506 rekordów
Official Army and Air Force Register, 1 January 1948, Volume 1 1 503 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1967 1 498 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 48, Part 2 1 492 rekordów
Air Force Register, 1968, Volume 1 1 491 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1937 1 485 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1936 1 477 rekordów
Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy
and Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1958 1 467 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1958 1 467 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1935 1 451 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 42, Part 2 1 450 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 49, Part 2 1 448 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps, January 1, 1949 1 443 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1943 1 439 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1938 1 423 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1923 1 420 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 50, Part 2 1 404 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 45, Part 1 1 400 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1934 1 398 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1950, Volume 1 1 394 rekordów
Revised Register of the Soldiers and Sailors of New Hampshire in the War of
the Rebellion, 1861 - 1866 1 394 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1960, Volume 1 1 383 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Series 2, Volume 7 1 381 rekordów
The Official Roster of the Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in the
State of Ohio 1 374 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1942 1 371 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1933 1 359 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1932 1 359 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Naval
Reserve, July 11 1944 1 353 rekordów
Official Army and Air Force Register, 1 January 1948, Volume 2 1 351 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1956, Volume 1 1 347 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1946, Volume 1 1 345 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1941 1 339 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1953, Volume 1 1 339 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1966 1 332 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1931 1 330 rekordów
Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen, Volume 2 1 330 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1967, Volume 1 1 323 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1965 1 318 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 21 1 306 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 41, Part 4 1 306 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, General Index 1 305 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 50, Part 1 1 304 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 25, Part 1 1 299 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1969, Volume 2 1 292 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1964 1 289 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 15 1 281 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Naval
Reserve, April 1 1949 1 281 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1955, Volume 1 1 281 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1940 1 279 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1963 1 270 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Series 3, Volume 3 1 269 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1960 1 269 rekordów
Anales De La Guerra Civil: Espana Desde 1868 - 1876 1 266 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1959 1 264 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 22, Part 2 1 264 rekordów
Complete Military History and Record of the 108th Regiment New York
Volunteers, 1862 - 1894 1 263 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 16, Part 1 1 260 rekordów
Wisconsin In the War of the Rebellion, a History of All Regiments And
Batteries the State Has Sent To the Field, And Deeds of Her Citizens, Governors
And Other Military Officers, And State And National Legislators To Suppress
the Rebellion 1 258 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 27, Part 3 1 254 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Series 4, Volume 1 1 253 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 36, Additions and Corrections 1 250 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 49, Part 1 1 249 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 34, Part 2 1 248 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 41, Part 2 1 248 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 19, Part 1 1 242 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 47, Part 1 1 235 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 51, Part 2 1 226 rekordów
Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, January 1 1962 1 224 rekordów
Minutes United Confederate Veterans, June 10th 1889 1 220 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 December 1918 1 220 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 18 1 220 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 5 1 219 rekordów
Report On the Treatment of Prisoners of War By the Rebel Authorities During
the War of the Rebellion (1869) 1 218 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 34, Part 1 1 216 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 49, Additions and Corrections 1 214 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 24, Part 3 1 214 rekordów
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And
Confederate Armies, Volume 53 1 212 rekordów
Story of Our Regiment: History of the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Written
By the Comrades 1 212 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1939 1 211 rekordów
Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States
Marine Corps Reserve, January 1, 1931 1 206 rekordów
Official U. S. Army Register, 1 January 1920 1 198 rekordów
Anglia, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1538-1975 192 686 202 rekordów
Meksyk, Chrzty, 1560-1950 122 951 705 rekordów
Niemcy, Urodzenia i Chrzciny, , 1558-1898 110 094 921 rekordów
Anglia i Walia, Rejestr urodzeń, 1837 - 2005 208 384 177 rekordów
Urodzenia w Anglii i Walii, indeksy GRO, 1911 - 1954 59 734 601 rekordów
Urodzeni w Kalifornii, 1905 - 1995 49 184 815 rekordów
Netherlands, Civil Births, 1811-1915 26 655 140 rekordów
Szkocja, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1564-1950 26 765 827 rekordów
Szwecja, Chrzty, 1611-1920 26 257 868 rekordów
Hiszpania, Chrzty, 1502-1940 25 055 782 rekordów
Norwegia, Chrzty, 1634-1927 21 726 709 rekordów
Urodzeni w Teksasie, 1926 - 1995 21 518 308 rekordów
Netherlands, Church Baptisms, 1580-1811 17 785 856 rekordów
Chrzty Wegierskiego Kościoła Reformowanego, 1624-1895 17 078 401 rekordów
Finlandia, Chrzty, 1657-1890 13 975 867 rekordów
Urodzeni w Kentucky, 1911 - 1999 11 849 508 rekordów
Peru, Chrzty, 1556-1930 11 212 584 rekordów
Argentyna, Chrzty, 1645-1930 10 615 714 rekordów
Brazylia, Chrzty, 1688-1935 9 328 545 rekordów
Dania, Chrzty, 1618-1923 8 678 994 rekordów
Boliwia, Chrzty, 1560-1938 8 448 893 rekordów
Chile, Chrzty, 1585-1932 6 337 886 rekordów
Holandia, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1564-1910 6 266 091 rekordów
Włochy, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1806-1900 5 602 248 rekordów
Ontario, Urodzenia, 1869-1912 5 200 361 rekordów
Australia, Victoria Birth Index, 1837-1920 5 921 996 rekordów
Szwajcaria, Chrzty, 1491-1940 2 930 645 rekordów
Walia, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1541-1907 2 167 850 rekordów
Indie, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1786-1947 1 983 730 rekordów
Różne miejsca, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1534-1983 1 925 595 rekordów
Rotterdam, Holandia, Rejestr urodzeń, 1811-1913 1 689 974 rekordów
Australia, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1792-1981 1 572 075 rekordów
Ekwador, Chrzty, 1680-1930 1 569 446 rekordów
Parafia Leicestershire, rekordy urodzonych i ochrzczonych 1 494 194 rekordów
West Virginia Birth Index, 1853-1914 3 172 114 rekordów
Kolumbia, Chrzty, 1630-1950 1 361 970 rekordów
Gwatemala, Chrzty, 1730-1917 1 288 184 rekordów
Portugalia, Chrzty, 1570-1910 1 219 260 rekordów
Karaiby, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1590-1928 1 137 756 rekordów
Holandia, Archiwa lejdejskie, Chrzty, 1600 - 1825 1 010 069 rekordów
Filipiny, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1642-1994 953 200 rekordów
Świadectwa urodzeń w Arizonie, 1887 - 1935 709 682 rekordów
Holandia, Urodzenia w Tilburgu, 1811-1913 701 877 rekordów
Wyspa Man, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1821-1911 643 040 rekordów
Jamajka, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1752-1920 640 152 rekordów
Kostaryka, Rejestr urodzeń, 2011 - 2015 638 221 rekordów
Holandia, Archiwa lejdejskie, Urodzenia, 1810 - 1913 614 572 rekordów
Isalndia, Chrzty, 1730-1905 590 611 rekordów
Panama, Chrzty, 1750-1938 565 141 rekordów
Holandia, Chrzty w Tilburgu, 1587-1821 558 911 rekordów
Honduras, Chrzty, 1730-1930 551 503 rekordów
Salwador, Chrzty, 1750-1940 533 665 rekordów
Barbados, Chrzty, 1739-1891 510 446 rekordów
Rosja, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1755-1917 503 163 rekordów
Kostaryka, Chrzty, 1700-1915 455 924 rekordów
Urugwaj, Chrzty, 1750-1900 411 505 rekordów
Dystryk Kolumbii, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1830-1955 324 474 rekordów
Austrai, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1651-1940 251 666 rekordów
Republika Dominikany, Chrzty, 1726-1924 246 829 rekordów
Paragwaj, Chrzty, 1800-1930 225 921 rekordów
Oregon, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1868-1929 182 702 rekordów
Bahamy, Urodzenia, 1850-1891 156 142 rekordów
Wyspy Normandzkie, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1820-1907 124 102 rekordów
New Jersey Birth Index 1901-1903 272 250 rekordów
Indiana, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1773-1933 103 680 rekordów
Liechtenstein, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1650-1875 102 157 rekordów
Utah, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1892-1941 101 090 rekordów
, Salt Lake County, Rejest urodzenia, 1890-1915 99 279 rekordów
Czechy, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1637-1889 97 290 rekordów
Kalifornia, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1812-1988 92 867 rekordów
Gibraltar, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1704-1876 88 531 rekordów
Grenada, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1866-1891 82 693 rekordów
Arizona, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1909-1917 76 715 rekordów
Nowy Brunszwik, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1819-1899 75 214 rekordów
Wielka Brytania, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1571-1977 60 734 rekordów
USA, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1867-1931 54 622 rekordów
Idaho, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1856-1965 46 126 rekordów
Węgry, Chrzty, 1734-1895 42 221 rekordów
Ukraina, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1784-1879 42 085 rekordów
Luksemburg, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1662-1840 32 022 rekordów
Rejestr urodzeń w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim, Polska 1808 - 1875 27 674 rekordów
Georgia, Urodzenia i chrzty, 1754-1960 25 152 rekordów
Szkocja, Urodzenia i chrzty, ok. 1640 - ok. 1860 19 381 rekordów
Waszyngton, King County, Urodzenia Post Factum (ang.Delayed Births), 1941-
16 855 rekordów
Samoa, Chrzty, 1863-1940 8 902 rekordów
Baptyzm kościelne z Wielkiej Brytanii 7 081 rekordów
Births Reported in Manhattan, New York, 1902 972 rekordów
Vital Records of Cambridge, Massachusetts, To the Year 1850, Volume 1,
Births (1914) 952 rekordów
Births Reported in Manhattan, New York, 1901 920 rekordów
Vital Records of Gloucester, Massachusetts, To the End of the Year 1849,
Volume 1, Births (1917) 822 rekordów
Vital Records of Ipswich, Massachusetts, To the End of the Year 1849, Volume
1, Births (1910) 814 rekordów
Registers of St. Paul's Church, Convent Garden, London, Christenings, 1653 -
1752, Volume 1 766 rekordów
Ste Anne de Beaupre Baptisms, 1657 - 1980 650 rekordów
Ste. Anne de Beaupre Baptisms, 1657 - 1980, Volume 2 589 rekordów
Vital Records of Marblehead, Massachusetts, To the End of the Year 1849,
Volume 1, Births (1903) 576 rekordów
Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts, To the End of the Year 1849, Volume 1,
Births (1916) 544 rekordów
Vital Records of Wrentham, Massachusetts, To the Year 1850, Volume 1, Births
536 rekordów
Martin County, Indiana, Birth Records, Volume 1 494 rekordów
Vital Records of Scituate, Massachusetts, To the Year 1850, Volume 1, Births
450 rekordów
Vital Records of Lynn, Massachusetts, To the End of the Year 1849, Volume 1,
Births (1905) 440 rekordów
Anglia i Walia, Rejestr ślubów, 1837 - 2005 95 986 906 rekordów
Anglia, Śluby, 1538 - 1973 38 557 542 rekordów
Niemcy, Małżeństwa, 1558-1929 28 528 197 rekordów
Śluby i rozwody w Teksasie 22 743 697 rekordów
Meksyk, Małżeństwa, 1570-1950 21 176 826 rekordów
Netherlands, Civil Marriages, 1811-1940 19 939 976 rekordów
Kalifornia, Małżeństwa w hrabstwie, 1850-1952 9 089 084 rekordów
Massachusetts, Małżeństwa, 1841-1915 8 867 775 rekordów
Hiszpania, Małżeństwa, 1565-1950 8 303 137 rekordów
Indiana, Małżeństwa, 1811-1959 8 084 173 rekordów
Kalifornia, Małżeństwa, 1960 - 1985 7 966 984 rekordów
Floryda, Małżeństwa, 1970 - 1999 7 109 132 rekordów
Nevada, Małżeństwa, 1968 - 1999 6 613 237 rekordów
New York City Marriages, 1950-2017 9 515 288 rekordów
Ohio, Małżeństwa, 1970 - 2003 6 190 780 rekordów
Wirginia, Małżeństwa, 1785-1940 6 098 483 rekordów
New Jersey Marriage License Index, 1915-2016 11 368 608 rekordów
Iowa, Małżeństwa, 1809-1992 5 022 115 rekordów
Australia, Victoria Marriage Index, 1837-1942 1 695 063 rekordów
Norwegia, Małżeństwa, 1660-1926 4 934 827 rekordów
Filipiny, Małżeństwa, 1723-1957 4 581 833 rekordów
Floryda, Rozwody, 1970 - 1999 4 299 481 rekordów
Szkocja, Małżeństwa, 1561-1910 4 281 188 rekordów
Netherlands, Church Marriages, 1580-1811 4 119 666 rekordów
Indiana, Małżeństwa, 1780-1992 3 936 328 rekordów
Dania, Małżeństwa, 1635-1916 3 656 112 rekordów
Alabama, Małżeństwa, 1816-1957 3 079 385 rekordów
New York City Marriage License Index 1908-1972 9 516 706 rekordów
Śluby w Illinois, 1763 - 1900 2 586 457 rekordów
Szwecja, Małżeństwa, 1630-1920 2 363 852 rekordów
Włochy, Małżeństwa, 1809-1900 2 120 283 rekordów
Kolorado, Małżeństwa, 1975 - 2004 2 090 104 rekordów
Brazylia, Małżeństwa, 1730-1955 2 085 933 rekordów
Chile, Małżeństwa, 1579-1930 1 961 546 rekordów
Montana, Małżeństwa w hrabstwie, 1865-1950 1 935 206 rekordów
Minnesota, Małżeństwa, 1976 - 2003 1 883 306 rekordów
Connecticut, Małżeństwa, - 1 787 274 rekordów
Peru, Małżeństwa, 1600-1940 1 721 420 rekordów
Śluby w Maine, 1892 - 1966 1 714 149 rekordów
Małżeństwa z Kentucky, 1960 - 1993 1 558 962 rekordów
Irlandia, Małżeństwa, 1619-1898 1 473 257 rekordów
Holandia, Małżeństwa, 1565-1892 1 419 567 rekordów
Kolorado, Rozwody, 1878 - 2004 1 417 097 rekordów
Rotterdam, Holandia, Rejestr ślubów, 1811-1935 1 414 849 rekordów
Boliwia, Małżeństwa, 1630-1940 1 328 617 rekordów
Finlandia, Małżeństwa, 1682-1892 1 234 560 rekordów
Utah, Małżeństwa w hrabstwie, 1887-1937 1 121 891 rekordów
Minnesota, Rozwody, 1970 - 2003 970 325 rekordów
Hiszpania, Granada, Katolickie Archiwa Badań Przedślubnych, 1556-1899 913 854 rekordów
Utah, Małżeństwa, 1887 - 1999 887 957 rekordów
Nevada, Rozwody, 1968 - 2000 797 800 rekordów
Teksas, Lista małżeństw w hrabstwie, 1837-1977 733 431 rekordów
Utah, Małżeństwa, 1887-1966 698 084 rekordów
Szwajcaria, Małżeństwa, 1532-1910 670 517 rekordów
Indie, Małżeństwa, 1792-1948 632 397 rekordów
Argentyna, Małżeństwa, 1722-1911 630 049 rekordów
Ekwador, Małżeństwa, 1680-1930 583 734 rekordów
Gwatemala, Małżeństwa, 1750-1930 492 558 rekordów
Iowa, Małżeństwa, 1836 - 1926 490 196 rekordów
Dystrykt Kolumbii, Małżeństwa, 1830-1921 481 201 rekordów
Australia, Małżeństwa, 1810-1980 433 908 rekordów
Holandia, Małżeństwa w Tilburgu, 1811-1938 432 107 rekordów
New Jersey Marriage License Index, 1901-1914 769 976 rekordów
Kolumbia, Małżeństwa, 1750-1960 354 617 rekordów
Holandia, Archiwa lejdejskie, Śluby, 1811 - 1935 338 169 rekordów
Akta Ślubów w Parafii Leicestershire 318 655 rekordów
Portugalia, Małżeństwa, 1670-1910 311 601 rekordów
Idaho, Małżeństwa w hrabstwie, 1864-1950 295 639 rekordów
Holandia, Archiwa lejdejskie, Zapowiedzi, 1575 - 1811 267 833 rekordów
Belgia, Małżeństwa, 1563-1890 265 397 rekordów
Kostaryka, Małżeństwa, 1750-1920 244 914 rekordów
Idago, Małżeństwa, 1878-1898; 1903-1942 211 069 rekordów
Dania, Śluby cywilne, 1851 - 1961 199 500 rekordów
Karaiby, Małżeństwa, 1591-1905 198 017 rekordów
Kostaryka, Rejestr ślubów, 2011 - 2015 178 014 rekordów
Republika Dominikany, Małżeństwa, 1743-1929 170 980 rekordów
Waszyngton, Małżeństwa w hrabstwie, 1855-2008 165 358 rekordów
Panama, Małżeństwa, 1800-1950 157 298 rekordów
Arizona, Małżeństwa, 1888-1908 152 835 rekordów
Salwador, Małżeństwa, 1810-1930 111 831 rekordów
Montana, Małżeństwa, 1889-1947 109 564 rekordów
Austria, Małżeństwa, 1722-1898 106 837 rekordów
Wyspa Man, Małżeństwa, 1849 - 1911 104 305 rekordów
Honduras, Małżeństwa, 1800-1910 95 001 rekordów
Kalifornia, Małżeństwa, 1850-1945 92 142 rekordów
Islandia, Małżeństwa, 1770-1920 85 828 rekordów
Małżeństwa w Dicezji dublińskiej, 1634 - 1858 83 677 rekordów
Walia, Małżeństwa, 1541-1900 79 537 rekordów
Holandia, Zapowiedzi w Tilburgu, 1575-1811 79 192 rekordów
Rosja, Małżeństwa, 1793-1919 74 662 rekordów
Urugwaj, Małżeństwa, 1840-1900 68 603 rekordów
Różne miejsca, Małżeństwa, 1662-1945 66 852 rekordów
Paragwaj, Małżeństwa, 1800-1900 59 139 rekordów
Wirginia Zachodnia, Małżeństwa, 1931 - 1970 57 526 rekordów
Barbados, Małżeństwa 1854-1879 48 117 rekordów
Wielka Brytania, Małżeństwa, 1797-1988 34 847 rekordów
Wykaz ślubów w Wielkiej Brytanii, 1655 - 1992 28 934 rekordów
Wyoming, Małżeństwa, 1877-1920 28 086 rekordów
USA, Małżeństwa, 1733-1990 27 375 rekordów
Czechy, Małżeństwa, 1654-1889 26 013 rekordów
Indeks Zgonów w USA wg Ubezpieczenia Społecznego (SSDI) 94 404 054 rekordów
Anglia i Walia, Rejestr zgonów, 1837 - 2005 87 011 475 rekordów
Netherlands, Civil Deaths, 1811-1965 29 869 707 rekordów
Zgony z Anglii i Wielkiej Brytanii, Indeksy GRO, 1969 - 2007 22 048 866 rekordów
BillionGraves 30 483 312 rekordów
Anglia, Zgony i pochówki, 1538-1991 19 648 284 rekordów
Zmarli w Arizonie, 1940 - 1997 19 371 654 rekordów
Północna Karolina, Zgony, 1931-1994 8 960 679 rekordów
United Kingdom, Select Burial and Cremation Index, 1840-2014 8 881 515 rekordów
Tributes.com 8 635 095 rekordów
Niemcy, Zgony i pochówki, 1582-1958 7 096 664 rekordów
Alabama, Zgony, 1908-1974 5 698 710 rekordów
Filipiny, Zgony i pochówki, 1726-1957 5 694 329 rekordów
Australia, Victoria Death Index, 1836-1985 6 830 782 rekordów
Miejsca pochówków weteranów USA, 1775 - 2013 4 790 896 rekordów
New York State Death Index, 1880-1956 4 733 112 rekordów
4 191 258 rekordów
Zmarli w Teksasie, 1964 - 1998 3 960 372 rekordów
Ohio Death Index, 1913-1944, 1954-1963 3 007 161 rekordów
Zgony w Illinois, 1916 - 1950 3 062 324 rekordów
Waszyngton, Akty zgonów, 1907-1960 2 990 885 rekordów
Zgony w Kentucky, 1900 - 1999 2 620 651 rekordów
Rejestr zgonów Connecticut, 1949-2012 2 579 046 rekordów
Rotterdam, Holandia, Rejestr zgonów, 1811-1960 2 376 007 rekordów
Akta zmarłych w Missouri, 1910 - 1960 2 208 054 rekordów
West Virginia Death Index & Certificates, 1853-1964 5 113 473 rekordów
Canadian Obituaries, 1997-2017 2 035 945 rekordów
Netherlands, Church Burials, 1601-1811 2 046 545 rekordów
Szwecja, Pochówki, 1649-1920 1 878 213 rekordów
Południowa Karolina, Zgony, 1915-1943 1 869 910 rekordów
Północna Karolina, Zgony, 1906-1930 1 864 513 rekordów
Holenderskie rejestry pochówków 1 652 432 rekordów
Online Begraafplaatsen - cmentarze holenderskie 1 498 548 rekordów
Włochy, Zgony i pochówki, 1809-1900 1 391 300 rekordów
Dania, Pochówki, 1640-1917 1 234 228 rekordów
Online Familieberichten - nekrologi holenderskie 1 170 344 rekordów
Norwegia, Pochówki, 1666-1927 997 951 rekordów
Kanadyjskie nagrobki 951 264 rekordów
Świadectwa zgonów w Arizonie, 1870 - 1963 907 995 rekordów
Meksyk, Zgony, 1680-1940 841 841 rekordów
Holandia, Zgony w Tilburgu, 1811-1960 809 960 rekordów
Indie, Zgony i pochówki, 1719-1948 789 939 rekordów
Zgony z Tennessee, 1908 - 1933 697 175 rekordów
Iowa, Zgony i pochówki, 1850-1990 693 854 rekordów
Rejestr zgonów w stanie Nowy Jork, 1957 - 1964 678 714 rekordów
Zgony w Illinois, przed 1916 613 591 rekordów
Holandia, Zgony i pochówki, 1668-1945 577 488 rekordów
Rejestr zgonów Iowa, 1900-1939 567 006 rekordów
Holandia, Archiwa lejdejskie, Zgony, 1811 - 1960 560 949 rekordów
Dystrykt Kolumbii, Zgony i pochówki, 1840-1964 560 883 rekordów
Chile, Zgony, 1700-1920 535 856 rekordów
Parafia Leicestershire, Akta pochówków 512 714 rekordów
Utah, Zgony i pochówki, 1888-1946 404 987 rekordów
Zgony z Maine, 1960 - 1996 401 959 rekordów
, Salt Lake County, Rejestr Zgonów, 1908-1949 352 853 rekordów
Hiszpania, Zgony, 1600-1920 341 394 rekordów
Idaho, Akty Zgonów, 1911-1937 312 214 rekordów
Karolina Południowa, Zgony, 1950 - 1964 290 607 rekordów
Rejestr zgonów, Vermont, 1985-2012 278 426 rekordów
Szwajcaria, Pochówki, 1613-1875 262 246 rekordów
Portugalia, Zgony, 1640-1910 251 446 rekordów
Certyfikaty Zgonu z Utah, 1904 - 1958 217 930 rekordów
Peru, Zgony, 1750-1930 215 925 rekordów
Rosja, Zgony i pochówki, 1815-1917 179 211 rekordów
Belgia, Zgony i pochówki, 1564-1900 172 679 rekordów
Zgony z Oregon, 1903 - 1930 153 224 rekordów
Australia, Zgony i pochówki, 1816-1980 147 256 rekordów
Holandia, Pogrzeby w Tilburgu, 1597-1814 124 211 rekordów
Finlandia, Pochówki, 1725-1909 120 980 rekordów
Boliwia, Zgony, 1750-1920 116 795 rekordów
Kalifornia, San Francisco, Rejestry okręgowego domu pogrzebowego, 1835-
114 714 rekordów
Holandia, Karty Modlitewne z Tilburga, 1763-2014 112 994 rekordów
Samoa, Pochówki, 1895-1970 110 361 rekordów
Holandia, Archiwa lejdejskie, Pochówki, 1474 - 1814 102 036 rekordów
Ekwador, Zgony, 1800-1920 101 632 rekordów
Barbados, Pochówki, 1854-1885 98 855 rekordów
Kalifornia, San Joaquin, Spis Nekrologów Biblioteki Publicznej Hrabstwa,
98 787 rekordów
New Jersey Death Index 1901-1903 96 216 rekordów
Galveston Daily News, Teksas, Spis zawiadomień o zgonach, 1865 - 1977 91 799 rekordów
Brazylia, Zgony, 1750-1890 85 588 rekordów
Kostaryka, Zgony, 1787-1900 69 866 rekordów
Wielka Brytania, Zgony i pochówki, 1778-1988 69 618 rekordów
Kolumbia, Zgony, 1770-1930 67 704 rekordów
Auschwitz Death Certificates, 1941-1943 65 280 rekordów
Kostaryka, Rejestr zgonów, 2011 - 2015 60 291 rekordów
Wyspa Man, Zgony i pochówki, 1844-1911 58 125 rekordów
Irlandia, Zgony, 1864-1870 56 915 rekordów
Idaho, Zgony i pochówki, 1907-1965 56 256 rekordów
Houston Daily Post, Teksas, Spis zawiadomień o zgonach, 1859 - 1989 56 174 rekordów
Houston Informer, Teksas, Spis zawiadomień o zgonach, 1919 - 1969 49 771 rekordów
Gwatemala, Zgony, 1760-1880 48 665 rekordów
Austria, Pochówki, 1768 - 1918 48 623 rekordów
Panama, Zgony, 1840-1930 48 326 rekordów
Napisy nagrobne cmentarza Toowong 43 608 rekordów
San Antonio Express, Teksas, Spis zawiadomień o zgonach, 1855 - 1930 41 060 rekordów
Avelim - nekrologi izraelskie 40 932 rekordów
Republika Dominikany, Zgony, 1666-1862 24 232 rekordów
Dallas Daily Herald, Teksas, Spis zawiadomień o zgonach, 1877 - 1905 21 422 rekordów
Albany Creek Columbarium, Queensland Australia 21 323 rekordów
Utah, Weterani Służby Federalnej pochowani w Utah, terytorialnie, do roku 1966 18 881 rekordów
England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941 2 571 266 rekordów
Izraelskie Stowarzyszenie Badań Genealogicznych - IGRA 408 649 rekordów
Członkostwo w Kościele Jezusa Chrystusa Świętych w Dniach Ostatnich, 1830
- 1848 65 219 rekordów
Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Volume 2 18 883 rekordów
Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Volume 1 12 145 rekordów
Under Arrest: Canadian Laws you Wont's Believe 10 828 rekordów
The North Riding Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents
Relating to the North Riding of the County of York, Volume 1 2 583 rekordów
The Records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, Delaware,
Alphabetical Index of Births, Marriages And Deaths, Recorded in Providence,
Volume 12 1 742 rekordów
Memorial And Genealogical Record of Representative Citizens of Indiana
1 668 rekordów
Baptismal and Marriage Registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston, Ulster
The Early Germans of New Jersey: Their History, Churches and Genealogies
Parish Registers of Ludlow in Shropshire, 1558 - 1812 1 495 rekordów
History of the Kimball Family in America, 1634 - 1897 1 403 rekordów
Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Lineages of Members of the National Society of the Sons and Daughters of the
Vital Record of Rhode Island: 1636-1850, Volume 4 1 388 rekordów
New England Families, Genealogical And Memorial, Volume 3 (1915) 1 290 rekordów
Biographical And Memorial Edition of the Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois,
Volume 2 1 280 rekordów
History of Fairfield County, Connecticut, with Illustrations and Biographical
Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers 1 248 rekordów
Records of the Town of Plymouth, 1636 - 1705, Volume 1 1 218 rekordów
Rhode Island Records 1 215 rekordów
American Biographical History of Eminent and Self-made Men, Michigan
1 215 rekordów
Boyle's Fashionable Court & Country Guide & Town Visiting Directory 1 212 rekordów
Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions 1 194 rekordów
A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch,
Inscriptions in St. Peter's Church Yard, Philadelphia (1879) 1 122 rekordów
Yorkshire Fines, 1486 - 1625 1 102 rekordów
The Parish Registers of Rowley Regis, in Staffordshire 1 093 rekordów
Vital Records of Reading, Massachusetts, To the Year 1850 (1912) 1 082 rekordów
Vital Records of Chelsea, Massachusetts, To the Year 1850 (1916) 1 071 rekordów
Yorkshire Inquisitions 1 049 rekordów
Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume 3 1 046 rekordów
Alphabetical Index of Births, Marriages And Deaths, Recorded in Providence,
1891 - 1900, Volume 11, Births 1 028 rekordów
Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, Volume 2 1 021 rekordów
Richardson Memorial, Three Brothers, Ezekiel, Samuel, And Thomas
Richardson, Who Came From England, And United With Others in the
Foundation of Woburn, Massachusetts, in the Year 1641 (1876) 1 008 rekordów
Richardson Memorial (1876) 1 004 rekordów
History of Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Maine, Including the Ancient
Territory Known As Pejepscot 1 002 rekordów
Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia 990 rekordów
History of Rehoboth, Massachusetts 1643 - 1918 987 rekordów
Hereford Parliamentary Division of the County of Hereford - Register of
Electors 1936 985 rekordów
Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896. Marriages, Intentions, Births, Deaths 978 rekordów
Vital Records of Rhode Island, 1636 - 1850, Volume IX: Seekonk, Pawtucket,
and Newman Congregational Church 977 rekordów
Series of the Decisions of the Court of the Kings Bench Published in 1768 976 rekordów
Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Volume 22 972 rekordów
The Parish Registers of Wem, Shropshire 971 rekordów
Whitby Chartulary 963 rekordów
Records of the Town of Braintree 1886 948 rekordów
Cotton Year Book 1920 941 rekordów
Registry of Deeds, Dublin, Abstracts of Wills, Volume 1, 1708 - 1745 939 rekordów
Our County and Its People: A History of the Valley and County of Chemung,
From the Closing Years of the Eighteenth Century 936 rekordów
Trigg County, Kentucky Census of 1920 930 rekordów
Dwelly's Parish Records Volumes 1 and 2 924 rekordów
Memorial History of Syracuse, New York, Volume 2 921 rekordów
Nicholas Knapp Genealogy 916 rekordów
Parish Registers of Bury in Lancashire, 1647 - 1698 915 rekordów
Registry of Deeds Dublin Abstracts of Wills, 1746 - 1785, Volume 2
Memorial Record of Northeastern Indiana (1896) 914 rekordów
Genealogies of Virginia Families from the William and Mary College Quarterly,
Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect 906 rekordów
The History of Nantucket County, Island and Town Including Genealogies of
First Settlers 886 rekordów
History of the City of Buffalo and Erie County, With Biographical Sketches of
Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers 883 rekordów
Registers of St. Vedast, Foster Lane, And of St. Michael Le Quern, London
882 rekordów
Germans & Hungarians 1828 Hungarian Land Census, Veszprem County 882 rekordów
Register of Maryland's Herladic Families, 1634 - 1935 878 rekordów
A History of Shenandoah, Virginia 878 rekordów
Shropshire County Records, 1696 - 1800 869 rekordów
Memorials of the Family of Wemyss of Wemyss, Volume 3 864 rekordów
Genealogy and Memoirs of Isaac Stearns and his Descendants 862 rekordów
Registry of Deeds Dublin Abstracts of Wills, 1708 - 1745, Volume 1
Virginia Vital Records: from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography,
the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly
The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, Volume 1 858 rekordów
The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, Volume 2 854 rekordów
A Genealogy of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord: an Early Settler of
Windsor, Connecticut and Northampton, Massachusetts 852 rekordów
Vital Records of Newburyport, Massachusetts, To the End of the Year 1849,
Volume 2, Marriages and Deaths (1911) 849 rekordów
Politics And Politicians of Chicago, Cook County, And Illinois. Memorial
Volume, 1787-1887, Volume 1 846 rekordów
Repertoire des Mariages du Comte de Glengarry, Ontario 844 rekordów
Obituary Prior To 1800 (As Far As Relates To England, Scotland, And Ireland),
Volume 1 (1899) 840 rekordów
Rowley Regis Parish Registers 1685 - 1771, Part 2 837 rekordów
Annals of Yorkshire 834 rekordów
Shropshire Parish Registers, St. Asaph Dicoese, Volume 4 (1906) 834 rekordów
The History of Concord : from its first grant in 1725, to the organization of the
city government in 1853 828 rekordów
Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire 827 rekordów
A Selection of Wills From the Registry At York 823 rekordów
Obituary Prior To 1800 (As Far As Relates To England, Scotland, And Ireland),
Volume 2 (1899) 818 rekordów
Jamajka, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1880-1999 4 428 879 rekordów
Chile, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1885-1903 1 883 749 rekordów
Belgia, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1795-1910 1 870 041 rekordów
Nikaragua, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1809-2011 1 539 069 rekordów
Peru, Lima, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1874-1996 831 404 rekordów
Urugwaj, Ewidencja Ludności 678 933 rekordów
Gwatemala, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1877-2008 646 325 rekordów
Wenezuela, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1873-2003 493 207 rekordów
Włochy, Neapol, Castellammare di Stabia, Gminna Ewidencja Ludności, 1809-
482 409 rekordów
Węgry, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1895-1980 471 848 rekordów
Holandia, Gelderland, Ewidencja Ludności Prowincji, 1811-1950 (zawiera
428 906 rekordów
Salwador, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1815-1910 373 106 rekordów
Brazylia, Rio de Janeiro, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1829-2012 306 905 rekordów
Włochy, Mesyna, Mesyna, Gminna Ewidencja Ludności, 1866-1910 137 418 rekordów
Włochy, Neapol, Serrara Fontana, Gminna Ewidencja Ludności, 1809-1929 14 737 rekordów
Holandia, Księgi stanu cywilnego, 1792-1952 6 239 rekordów
Węgry, Księgi metrykalne Kościoła Katolickiego, 1636-1895 52 294 427 rekordów
Słowacja, Księgi kościelne i księgi z synagog, 1592-1910 32 820 903 rekordów
Księgi Kościelne Danii, 1576-1919 48 076 875 rekordów
Niemcy, Prusy, Brandenburgia i Poznań, Odpisy kościelnych ksiąg
metrykalnych, 1794-1874 4 473 683 rekordów
Księgi parafialne Prus Wschodnich 3 948 915 rekordów
Anglia, Derbyshire, Ksiegi parafialne kościoła anglikańskiego, 1538-1910 3 307 421 rekordów
Ukraine, Kyiv Orthodox Consistory Church Book Duplicates, 1840-1845 3 013 165 rekordów
Polska, Tarnów, Księgi metrykalne diecezji Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego,
2 926 058 rekordów
Anglia, Warwickshire, Księgi parafialne, 1538-1900 2 654 905 rekordów
Anglia, Bristol, Księgi parafialne, 1538-1900 1 848 118 rekordów
Wenezuela, Archidiecezja w Méridzie, Księgi metrykalne Kościoła Katlockiego,
1 686 531 rekordów
Anglia, Essex, Księgi parafialne, 1538-1900 1 163 762 rekordów
Jamajka, Transkrypcje Rejestrów parafialnych Kościoła Anglii, 1664-1880 1 086 174 rekordów
Rosja, księgi kościelne z Samary, 1869-1917 1 032 608 rekordów
Anglia, Dorset, Księgi parafialne, 1538-1936 920 688 rekordów
Wyspa Man, Księgi parafialne, 1598-1950 885 544 rekordów
Południowa Afryka, Księgi metrykalne Holenderskiego Kościoła
Reformowanego, 1660-1970 540 128 rekordów
Rejestry kościelne Niemiec, Prus i Pomorza, 1544 - 1945 466 206 rekordów
Anglia, Norfolk, Księgi parafialne, 1538-1900 445 778 rekordów
Szwecja, Örebro, Kościelne księgi mektrykalne, 1613-1918; zindeksowano
444 816 rekordów
Polska, Lublin, Księgi metrykalne Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego, 1784-1964 439 845 rekordów
Szwecja, Södermanland, Kościelne księgi mektrykalne, 1604-1900;
zindeksowano 1640-1860 377 862 rekordów
Niemcy, Baden, Duplikaty ksiąg kościelnych, 1810-1869 343 004 rekordów
Szwecja, Uppsala, Kościelne księgi mektrykalne, 1308-1901; zindeksowano
311 932 rekordów
Południowa Afryka, Księgi Parafialne Metodystów, 1822-1996 169 932 rekordów
Czechy, Kościelne księgi metrykalne, 1552-1948 112 058 rekordów
Południowa Afryka, Wolne Państwo, Księgi metrykalne Holenderskiego
Kościoła Reformowanego, 1848-1956 110 853 rekordów
Hiszpania, Lugo Diocese, Ksiegi parafii katolickiej, 1550-1930 67 528 rekordów
Włochy, Księgi Kościoła Ewangelickiego Waldensów, 1679-1969 66 930 rekordów
Szwecja, Jönköping, Kościelne księgi mektrykalne, 1581-1935; zindeksowano
44 989 rekordów
Austria, Górna Austria, Księgi metrykalne Kościoła Katolickiego, 1581-1910 24 668 rekordów
Szwecja, Västernorrland, Kościelne księgi mektrykalne, 1501-1940;
zindeksowano 1650-1860 19 570 rekordów
Shropshire Parish Registers1913 2 238 rekordów
Parish Registers of Oswestry in Shropshire, 1558 - 1812 2 135 rekordów
Transcripts of the parish registers of Sheffield, Yorkshire 1 441 rekordów
Baptist Encyclopaedia, Part 2 1 378 rekordów
Baptist Encyclopaedia, Part 1 1 375 rekordów
The Parish Registers of Stoke-upon-Trent, in Staffordshire 1 359 rekordów
Transcript of the Registers of the United Parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth And S.
Mary Woolchurch Haw, in the City of London, From Their Commencement
1538 To 1760 1 182 rekordów
The Registers of the Parish of Howden, County York 1 155 rekordów
The Works of Rev. Daniel A. Clark 1 131 rekordów
Church Heraldry of Norfolk, Volume 1 1 030 rekordów
Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 9, Part 2 936 rekordów
The Episcopal Registers of the Diocese St. David's, 1397 - 1518 925 rekordów
Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 9, Part 1 900 rekordów
Register of Marriages For the Parish of Edinburgh, 1751 - 1800 884 rekordów
Registers of the parish of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, in the City of Chester 878 rekordów
Delaware Quaker Records: Early Members of Wilmington Meeting (1921) 790 rekordów
Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches, Hackensack and Schraalenburgh,
New Jersey, Part 2 779 rekordów
Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 1, Part 1 776 rekordów
Queensland Freeman 1881-1884 752 rekordów
Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain And
Ireland. Papal Letters, Volume 1, 1198 - 1304 738 rekordów
Journal of the Reverend Silas Constant, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at
Yorktown, New York, 1784 - 1825 736 rekordów
Shropshire Parish Registers, Hereford Diocese, Volume 6 730 rekordów
Annals of the Church And Parish of Almondbury, Yorkshire, Part 1 724 rekordów
Tableau Genealogique des Mariages Celebres dans les Paroisses du Diocese de
Rimouski, Volume 2 710 rekordów
Record of the Inscriptions On the Tablets And Gravestones in the Burial-
Grounds of Christ Church, Philadelphia 710 rekordów
Recollections of the Rev. John Johnson And His Home 706 rekordów
Queensland Freeman 1885-1888 696 rekordów
St. John United Church of Christ, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Record Book, 1900 -
1941, Volume 3 662 rekordów
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Maryland, Records, Volume 1 661 rekordów
Our Church, a History of the Synod of Northern Indiana of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church 656 rekordów
Urquhart And Glenmoriston, Olden Times in a Highland Parish 644 rekordów
Priory of Hexham, Volume 1 628 rekordów
Registers of the Parish of Walton-Le-Dale in the Country of Lancaster :
Baptisms, Burials And Marriages 1609-1812 620 rekordów
Register of Marriages For the Parish of Edinburgh, 1701 - 1750 618 rekordów
Parish of Benenden, Kent 610 rekordów
Register Book of Marriages Belonging To the Parish of St. George, Hanover
Square, in the County of Middlesex, Volume 2, 1788 - 1809 608 rekordów
Records of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830 602 rekordów
The Parish Registers of St. Mary, Reading 600 rekordów
Parish Registers of St. Mary Aldermarry, London, Containing the Marriages,
Baptisms, And Burials From 1558 To 1754 574 rekordów
Register Book of Marriages Belonging To the Parish of St. George, Hanover
Square, in the County of Middlesex, Volume 1, Part 1, 1725 - 1787 572 rekordów
Cromer, Past And Present, or, an Attempt To Describe the Parishes of Shipden
And Cromer, And To Narrate Their History 570 rekordów
Catholic Record Society, Miscellanea, Volume 7 556 rekordów
Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts, 1667-1772 (1905) 554 rekordów
Haydock Papers: a Glimpse Into English Catholic Life Under the Shade of
Persecution And in the Dawn of Freedom 553 rekordów
Diocese of Fort Wayne, Volume 1, 1857 - 1907 (1907) 552 rekordów
Marriages, Baptisms, And Burials, Chapel of Somerset House, Strand,
Middlesex, 1714 - 1776 550 rekordów
Sydney Diocesan Directory 1920 542 rekordów
Register of Baptisms, Marriages And Burials 1538 A.D. To 1812 A.D. (1903) 530 rekordów
Sydney Diocesan Directory 1919 522 rekordów
Sydney Diocesan Directory 1918 518 rekordów
Achduth Vesholom Congregation of Fort Wayne, Indiana, Minutes, Volume 2,
1865 - 1876 518 rekordów
Armagh Clergy And Parishes 512 rekordów
Register of Parish of St. James, Clarkenwell, 1551 - 1700, Volume 1, Part 1 508 rekordów
History of the Parish of Preston in Amounderness in the County of Lancaster 506 rekordów
Sydney Diocesan Directory 1917 502 rekordów
Register of the Parish of St. Peter And S. Kevin, Dublin, 1669-1761 500 rekordów
Sydney Diocesan Directory 1916 494 rekordów
Annals of Methodism in Missouri 494 rekordów
Sydney Diocesan Directory 1915 490 rekordów
Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, the Succession of Ministers in the Church of
Scotland From the Reformation (1915) 484 rekordów
Sydney Diocesan Directory 1914 484 rekordów
True Register of Parish of St. James, Clarkenwell, 1551-1665 480 rekordów
Lutheran Church in New Hanover, (Falckner Swamp) Montgomery County,
Pennsylvania Part XXII 478 rekordów
Statutes of the Scottish Church, 1225 - 1559 474 rekordów
Sydney Diocesan Directory 1913 474 rekordów
Australian Lutheran 1913-17 471 rekordów
Drzewa genealogiczne MyHeritage 3 203 475 598 rekordów
Drzewo FamilySearch Family Tree 917 913 817 rekordów
Drzewo Geni World Family Tree 283 373 258 rekordów
Członkowie MyHeritage 81 110 674 rekordów
Search Connect™ - Wyszukiwania użytkowników MyHeritage 112 298 331 rekordów
Witryny rodzin MyHeritage 49 074 952 rekordów
WikiTree 10 653 347 rekordów
Wykres Everton i Arkusze Grupy Rodziny 1 828 457 rekordów
Rodziny-Argentyńskie (Drzewa genealogiczne Argentyńczyków) 130 403 rekordów
Drzewo genealogiczne Feuchtwangerów 15 989 rekordów
Meitzler Ahnentafel Pedigree Chart Collection 3 086 rekordów
Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Volume 1. 1 527 rekordów
Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Volume 1 844 rekordów
Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Volume 3 829 rekordów
Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Volume 2 800 rekordów
Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Volume 4 732 rekordów
John Lee of Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut, and His Descendants 680 rekordów
Seldens of Virginia and Allied Families 678 rekordów
Staffordshire Pedigrees Based On the Visitation of That County, 1663-1664 656 rekordów
Marsh Genealogy : Giving Several Thousand Descendants of John Marsh of
Hartford, Connecticut, 1636 - 1895 625 rekordów
The House of Gordon, Volume 1 622 rekordów
Pedigrees From the Plea Rolls, 1200 - 1500 620 rekordów
History, Correspondence And Pedigrees of the Mendenhalls of England 572 rekordów
Descendants of John Spofford and Elizabeth Scott 571 rekordów
Side Lights of Maryland History with Sketches of Early Maryland Families,
Genealogical Record of Some of the Noyes Descendants of James Nicholas and
Peter Noyes, Volume 1 546 rekordów
The Op Dyck Genealogy 543 rekordów
The Family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Massachusetts 537 rekordów
The Nicholas White Family: 1643 - 1900 501 rekordów
Bibliographia Genealogica Americana: an Alphabetical Index To American
Genealogies And Pedigrees 486 rekordów
Lewis Walker of Chester Valley and His Descendants, 1686 - 1896 466 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 16 461 rekordów
Genealogy of the Lewis Family in America, From the Middle of the Seventeenth
Century Down To the Present Time 459 rekordów
The Descendants of John Porter of Windsor, Connecticut, 1635 - 1639, Volume
455 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 11 454 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 13 454 rekordów
The Descendants of John Porter of Windsor, Connecticut, 1635 - 1639, Volume
451 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 14 450 rekordów
Pierce Genealogy No. IV: The Record of the Posterity of Capt. Michael, John and
Capt. William Pierce who Came to this Country From England 447 rekordów
A Genealogy of the Leavenworth Family in the United States 447 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 48 446 rekordów
Papers and Pedigrees Mainly Relating to Cumberland and Westmorland 446 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 9 446 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 15 437 rekordów
Pedigree Register, Volume 2 436 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 18 436 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 20 434 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 10 434 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 5 432 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 40 427 rekordów
Pedigree Register, Volume 3 426 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 39 424 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 25 424 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 34 422 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 19 420 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 7 420 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 3 420 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 30 418 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 8 418 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 6 415 rekordów
The Talmadge, Tallmadge and Talmage Genealogy: The Descendants of
Thomas Talmadge of Lynn, Massachusetts, with An Appendix Including Other
414 rekordów
Genealogical Record of the Condit Family, Descendants of John Cunditt, a
Native of Great Britain, Who Settled in Newark, New Jersey, 1678 - 1885 414 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 4 409 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 31 408 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 37 408 rekordów
Genealogical Record of Some of the Noyes Descendants of James Nicholas and
Peter Noyes, Volume 2 407 rekordów
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 33 406 rekordów
Descendants of George Puffer of Braintree, Massachusetts, 1639 - 1915 405 rekordów
The Stanley Families of America As Descended From John, Timothy, and
Thomas Stanley of Hartford, Connecticut 1636 404 rekordów
The Ancestry of Katharine Choate Paul, Now Mrs. William J. Young, Jr. 394 rekordów
An Index to Printed Pedigrees: Contained in County and Local Histories, the
Heralds' Visitations, and in the More Important Genealogical Collections
Lineage Book of the National Society of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, Volume 1 382 rekordów
Pedigrees Recorded at the Visitations of the County Palatine of Durham 380 rekordów
Genealogy of the Onderdonk Family in America 379 rekordów
The Early Genealogies of the Cole Families in America 370 rekordów
The Platt Lineage: A Genealogical Research and Record 362 rekordów
The Coit Family: The Descendants of John Coit 357 rekordów
A Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Porter, Who Settled At Weymouth,
Massachusetts, 1635 356 rekordów
Peirce Genealogy: Being the Record of the Posterity of John Pers, An Early
Inhabitant of Watertown in New England 341 rekordów
John North of Farmington, Connecticut, and His Descendants 338 rekordów
An Index to the Pedigrees and Arms Contained in the Heralds' Visitations and
The Corwin Genealogy (Curwin, Curwen, Corwine) in the United States 334 rekordów
Porter Pedigree, Being an Account of the Ancestry And Descendants of Samuel
And Martha (Perley) Porter of Chester, New Hampshire 330 rekordów
Powers-Banks Ancestry, Traced in All Lines To the Remotest Date Obtainable,
Charles Powers, 1819 - 1871, and His Wife Lydia Ann Banks, 1829 - 1919 329 rekordów
Richard Pinkham of Old Dover, New Hampshire and His Descendants East and
323 rekordów
A Genealogy and Historical Notices of the Family of Plimpton or Plympton in
America and of Plumpton in England 303 rekordów
The Self-Completing Tree 301 rekordów
Martin Genealogy. Descendants of Lieutenant Samuel Martin of Wethersfield,
288 rekordów
The Genealogy of John Marsh of Salem and His Descendants, 1633 - 1888 286 rekordów
The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln 284 rekordów
Chittenden Family: William Chittenden of Guilford, Connecticut, and His
270 rekordów
The Plumer Genealogy: Francis Plumer who Settled at Newbury,
Massachusetts and Some of His Descendants 263 rekordów
Genealogy of the Staats Family 262 rekordów
The Ancestors, Kin and Descendants of John Warden and Narcissa (Davis)
Warden, His Wife 260 rekordów
Families Directly Descended from All the Royal Families in Europe, 495 - 1932
Genealogy of the Parthemore Family, 1744 - 1885 253 rekordów
The Record of My Ancestry (Charles Lyman Newhall) 251 rekordów
The Candee Genealogy 244 rekordów
The Stephens Family, with Collateral Branches 239 rekordów
Pedigrees of Thomas, Chew, And Lawrance 234 rekordów
My Children's Ancestors and Kinfolk 229 rekordów
Some Family Records & Pedigrees of the Lloyds 228 rekordów
Pierrepont Genealogies From Norman Times to 1913 211 rekordów
Devonshire Pedigrees 210 rekordów
A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Moses Pengry, of Ipswich,
Massachusetts 209 rekordów
Zdjęcia i dokumenty MyHeritage 112 018 681 rekordów
Zdjęcia Dead Fred 65 976 rekordów
Gazety australijskie 14 911 016 rekordów
Chronicling America: Archiwalne Czasopsma Amerykańskie, 1836-1922 10 186 649 stron(y) w 1,952 źródłach
Pennsylvania Newspapers, 1795-2009 7 514 384 pages in 70 newspaper titles
Massachusetts Newspapers, 1704-1974 6 072 876 pages in 239 newspaper titles
Ohio Newspapers, 1793-2009 4 604 750 pages in 88 newspaper titles
Washington Newspapers, 1855-2009 3 666 501 pages in 83 newspaper titles
North Carolina Newspapers, 1852-2009 2 699 469 pages in 15 newspaper titles
Connecticut Newspapers, 1791-2009 2 343 325 pages in 23 newspaper titles
Alabama Newspapers, 1870-2009 2 215 485 pages in 12 newspaper titles
Georgia Newspapers, 1881-2009 2 169 917 pages in 27 newspaper titles
California Newspapers, 1847-2009 2 166 290 pages in 55 newspaper titles
Maine Newspapers, 1861-2008 2 137 527 pages in 16 newspaper titles
Missouri Newspapers, 1845-2009 2 088 228 pages in 21 newspaper titles
South Carolina Newspapers, 1787-2009 1 953 590 pages in 16 newspaper titles
New York Newspapers, 1806-2007 1 900 375 pages in 56 newspaper titles
Kentucky Newspapers, 1848-2009 1 375 951 pages in 19 newspaper titles
Oregon Newspapers, 1867-2009 1 584 745 pages in 12 newspaper titles
Utah Newspapers, 1850-2003 1 194 866 pages in 2 newspaper titles
Michigan Newspapers, 1817-2009 1 141 972 pages in 50 newspaper titles
Iowa Newspapers, 1837-2009 1 072 387 pages in 61 newspaper titles
Indiana Newspapers, 1847-2009 1 014 820 pages in 44 newspaper titles
Virginia Newspapers, 1792-2008 872 907 pages in 29 newspaper titles
Arizona Newspapers, 1866-2009 870 093 pages in 26 newspaper titles
Idaho Newspapers, 1894-2009 680 126 pages in 20 newspaper titles
New Hampshire Newspapers, 1869-2008 649 473 pages in 7 newspaper titles
Rhode Island Newspapers, 1778-1938 594 207 pages in 26 newspaper titles
Maryland Newspapers, 1790-2009 475 492 pages in 10 newspaper titles
West Virginia Newspapers, 1930-2009 371 160 pages in 18 newspaper titles
New Jersey Newspapers, 1859-1946 277 295 pages in 7 newspaper titles
Kronika Żydowska (ang. The Jewish Chronicle) 213 820 rekordów
Delaware Newspapers, 1880-2009 126 331 pages in 3 newspaper titles
American Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, July 1894 1 284 rekordów
Our Home: a Monthly Magazine of Original Articles, Volume 1, 1873 1 178 rekordów
Granite Monthly, New Hampshire State Magazine, Volume 53 1 122 rekordów
Granite Monthly, A New Hampshire Magazine, Volume 34 946 rekordów
Granite Monthly, New Hampshire Magazine, Volume 15 943 rekordów
Granite Monthly, New Hampshire Magazine, Volume 22 874 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 21 (1847) 874 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 75, July 1901 866 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 46, August 1872 858 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 23 (1849) 858 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 19 (1845) 857 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 32, September 1858 856 rekordów
Friends' Review, a Religious, Literary And Miscellaneous Journal, Volume 11,
856 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 28, September 1854 856 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 30 (1856) 854 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 37, September 1863 850 rekordów
Granite Monthly, A New Hampshire Magazine, Volume 42 838 rekordów
Nailer Tom's Diary: The Journal of Thomas B. Hazard of Kingstown, Rhode
Island, 1778 - 1840 836 rekordów
New England Magazine, Volume 4, 1891 834 rekordów
Aberdeen Journal, Notes And Queries, Volume 2, 1909 824 rekordów
Granite Monthly, New Hampshire Magazine, Volume 25 822 rekordów
New England Magazine, Volume 29, 1903 - 1904 807 rekordów
Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, January - December 1919,
Volume 3 806 rekordów
American Monthly Magazine, Volume 2, April 1893 802 rekordów
New England Magazine, Volume 37, 1907 - 1908 792 rekordów
New England Magazine, Volume 27, 1902 - 1903 792 rekordów
New England Magazine, Volume 26, 1902 786 rekordów
Sheldon Magazine, Volumes 3 - 5 778 rekordów
New England Magazine, Volume 33, 1905 770 rekordów
Aberdeen Journal: Notes And Queries, Volume 3, 1910 734 rekordów
Granite Monthly, New Hampshire Magazine, Volume 35 726 rekordów
Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814 - 1879 725 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 91 (1917) 720 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 1, 1870 - 1871 718 rekordów
New England Magazine, 1911 718 rekordów
Journal, Johnson Post No. 368, Department of Indiana, G.A.R., Montpelier,
Indiana, 1884-1894 708 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 22, 1892 664 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 94 (1920) 646 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 87, July 1913 644 rekordów
American Monthly Magazine, Volume 1, July - December 1892 639 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 92 (1918) 638 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 95 (1921) 636 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 96 (1922) 636 rekordów
Aberdeen Journal: Notes And Queries, Volume 6, 1913 620 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 8, 1887 - 1888 596 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 30 596 rekordów
Granite State Magazine, Volume 5, January - March 1908 590 rekordów
Granite Monthly, New Hampshire State Magazine, Volume 51 584 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 2 574 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 36 561 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 24, 1894 552 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 90, June 1916 550 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 27, 1897 546 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 29 544 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 40, 1910 542 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 28, 1898 534 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 35, 1905 520 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 31, 1901 518 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 23, 1893 506 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 3 498 rekordów
Granite Monthly, A New Hampshire Magazine, Volume 49 495 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 26, 1896 476 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 25, 1895 474 rekordów
Massachusetts Magazine, Volume 8, 1915 460 rekordów
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 9, 1889 442 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 72 (1899) 440 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 70, July 1896 440 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 69, July 1895 440 rekordów
Friend: a Religious And Literary Journal, Volume 65, August 1891 440 rekordów
Kompilacja Opublikowanych Źródeł 84 206 882 stron(y) w 447,870 źródłach
Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Volume 29 1 346 stron/y
Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 1 1 331 stron/y
New York Genealogical And Biographical Record, Volume 7, January 1876 1 298 stron/y
Almanach De Gotha, 1915 1 278 stron/y
Deutsches Geschlechterbuch, Volume 17 1 274 stron/y
Biographie Universelle, Ancienne Et Moderne, Volume 43 1 228 stron/y
Biographie Universelle, Ancienne Et Moderne, Volume 60 1 220 stron/y
Deutsches Geschlechterbuch, Volume 20, 1912 1 218 stron/y